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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Half Undone

Dont you just hate it when you listening to music by an artist or a band who keep surprising you in the wrong way, and sometimes the right way? Ok,hate may be a tad strong a word, but you gotta admit it,when a song has a crazy title and you're all psyked up to listen to it,but when you actually do, you're left with a bland look on you're face? Or a song you have on your ipod / phone and never listen to, but when it plays in the club you're like "Damn,that sounds nice-where have I heard it before?". For the former, I blame some punk-rock bands-they have some crazy names and they always lead you to think-"I have got to get their album!" But when you do, you're like...REFUND! For the latter, Blue October and Kanye West stand out. OK Kanye is abit too consistent in his delivery, ie. good title, good song, always. Am on a Blue October kick right now. Their videos make them look like the original Weird Al Yankovic, but i like their delivery,and diversity. At least they aren't Marilyn Monroe-this person's(yes,person,because I do not think he has a gender,and its not a compliment) music enjoys cult like status,and making you want to ask,liberal as you may be-whats is the fricking world coming to??

So today, I want you all to listen to A Quiet mind by Blue October, and also Half Undone, by the same band. Yeah, that was it...that was what the whole title was about

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Welcome to Heartbreak by Kanye West.

My friend showed me pictures of his kids
And all I could show him was pictures of my cribs
He said his daughter got a brand new report card
And all I got was a brand new sports car, oh

And my head keeps spinning
Can't stop having these visions, I gotta get with it
And my head keeps spinning
I can't stop having these visions, I gotta get with it

Dad cracked a joke, all the kids laughed
But I couldn't hear him all the way in first class
Chased the good life my whole life long
Look back on my life and my life gone
Where did I go wrong?

And my head keeps spinning
Can't stop having these visions, I gotta get with it
And my head keeps spinning
I can't stop having these visions, I gotta get with it

I've seen it, I've seen it before
I've seen it, I've seen it before
I've seen it, I've seen it before
I've seen it, I've seen it before

Oh my God, sister getting married by the lake
But I couldn't figure out who I'd wanna take
Bad enough that I showed up late
I had to leave before they even cut the cake
Welcome to heartbreak

And my head keeps spinning
Can't stop having these visions, I gotta get with it
And my head keeps spinning
I can't stop having these visions, I gotta get with it

Well. I just have to give credit where its due.

Monday, May 17, 2010


When we dream, we breathe. If our ambitions cease, what difference is there between a person already dead, and us? Der Weitergang- Moving Forward is a brainchild of mine, hoping to engage like-minded individuals in discussions that can aid in demystifying the future, and handing ourselves the so-called silver platter. Like reading a book one hasn't read before, one can only have notions, for the better or for worse, about what will happen tomorrow.

Candid. Thats the definitive adjective that I will try to live up o. Scathing, brutal, feeble...these will come as a consequence of the above.

As so it begins. Das Beginn.


Weitergang - German for moving forward,or specifically ,the move forward.